Now where to go? I could get his death certificate; it might have some details on it. His wife was Grace Lavina née Bray and there was no record of her death so I think she died after 1970 when he NSW online search has drawn the line in the digital sand. There are post-office directories; electoral roles; phone books for Sydney. I could chase up the address, or even find the grave, but is it worth the expenditure of calories upon a line whom most likely knows naught about the interesting line of history behind them? It's unlikely they have any album full of Cartes de Visite over which I can have cardiac palpitations.
What has become of your family Mr. G.W.Smith and have they any idea of the London origins of the name Smith. It's a vexation within an irritation. So R.S.Smythe distant grand-nephews and grand-nieces have melted into the anonymity of Sydney.
So many threads...